This is the boat that blew up |
Me and Elder Montilla out in their area in Cataingan |
Also this place is actually a lot cleaner than my last area, especially the water :) To be honest this island is known for having horrible water. But since we are in the nice part of the city, we have really clean water! And our apartment has 3 bathrooms, and one of them has a shower head! But we only get water in the apartment at certain times of the day. The city controls when we do and don't get water. We get water in the morning and at night, so it actually works perfectly because that is the only time that we are home :) So I really have no complaints about the area! Our apartment is really unorganized, but I'll be fixing that this week as soon as I get time. I don't have a lot of time because we gotta head out to the mainland in Legazpi and we won't even be coming back until Friday. Being a zone leader is busy stuff this week.
Nothing much is different here on the island, environmentally speaking. The food is the same, the transportation is the same, the plants and houses are pretty much the same. Oh, but the one thing that is different here is that the language is different. They don't always speak Tagalog, a lot of the time they speak Masbatanio, which is a mix of Vesiya and Bicol. So we get to learn even more languages out here, WOOHOO!! No worries though, it's actually a lot easier to learn it. Once you understand Tagalog, these other island languages are pretty easy to pick up on.
I don't have much time here, so I just want to share one neat spiritual experience before I head off. So we teach the Villamor Family, just a couple, Babylon Villamor and Mary-Jane Villamor, with two small kids. They were actually supposed to be baptized last week, but some issues came up and they couldn't be baptized, which really bummed us out. So we went to their house, last night actually, to see what the problems were with them not being baptized. We wanted to know what the problem was: were they scared, worried, or just not wanting to? So we got there and turns out that Babylon really wants to be baptized, but his wife does not have the desire. She's not totally sure if Joseph Smith was a real prophet of God, so if he's not a prophet, then this church isn't true, so we could see her worry. We told her that there is NO WAY that she can know if he really was a Prophet if she doesn't pray about it and ask God herself. So right there in the lesson, we told her to say a prayer and ask God directly and specifically if Joseph Smith was a Prophet, and if this is the true church of Jesus Christ here on the earth. So she did. After she finished saying the prayer, it was silent for about 30 seconds before she finally spoke, telling us that right when she asked if it was all true, she felt an indescribable feeling inside of her, and she was so excited about it that she held up her arm to us to show us her goosebumps. She said that she was trying really hard not to cry because of what she felt, and we testified to her that that was the spirit telling her that it was indeed true.
I just love all of this. I feel bad for anyone who misses out on this Gospel of Jesus Christ because they are truly missing out on the eternities. This church is the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and anyone can know for themselves if they just ask with a sincere heart.
Also about my friend in my last area, Aries Leonor, he always told me that when I go home that I would forget about him, but I always thought it would be the other way around. He sees missionaries come and go all the time and honestly I thought he would just forget about me haha. But it's really touching to read all of the things that he wrote about me. But yeah, he really was the best member in the branch, and I'll miss him so much. I never really mentioned him in my emails sent to home, but he really has helped change my mission for the better. I never assumed so much help would come from a member :) There's about 98% that I don't get the time to write about in my emails sent home
I love you all and hope you all have a GREAT WEEK!!!
Love ya kids, Ingat (Tagolog for "take care")
Elder Austin Cook
The three photos below is of our last family home evening with the Secillano family in Libon :'( Love them
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