Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Every day our work is progressing, and there are people literally walking up to us saying they want to come to our church, or they want to be baptized, or they want us to teach them. I know that this is what happens when you work together in a companionship to be worthy enough to have at least a portion of God's spirit with you

So this week has been full of amazement and pure awesome!

I wanna describe one of our visits with our investigator that I mentioned last week named Stanley Araw (The guy who had the vision.) We went deep into the mountains again to teach him and when we arrived, he welcomed us so excitedly, saying that he had read the pamphlet that we gave him that explains the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He explained how much he loved it and how much he learned, and because of his diligence in understanding our message, we proceeded to teach him about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. He loved it all and understood everything we taught as well as accepted to be baptized on the 5th of August. After the lesson ended we gave him a Book of Mormon and he just stared at it like it was a gift from God himself. He then declared with the utmost confidence that he will finish reading the book before his baptism date. He then gave us a closing prayer that lasted about 15 minutes in which he thanked God for Joseph Smith and for Moroni because he hid the golden plates for Joseph Smith to find, and thanked God for the Bible and for us missionaries and for pretty much everything he could thank God for. It was a really sweet prayer, and I really felt his sincerity.

We also had a lesson with one of our investigators named Connie Sabas, who is about 65 years old. We basically had the same lesson that we had with Stanley, and she had the SAME REACTION, saying that she would finish the Book of Mormon before her baptismal date, which is the same as Stanley's.

Elder Cook as he got up to play the closing hymn at the end of Sacrament Meeting
There are tons more stories that I really want to tell you all about, but I just don't have the time, and ya'll probably wouldn't have the time to read it. But it suffices me to say that every day our work is progressing, and there are people literally walking up to us and saying that they want to come to our church, or they want to be baptized, or they want us to teach them. I know that this is just what happens when you can work together in a companionship to be worthy enough to have at least a portion of God's spirit with you. I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Austin Cook

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