Sunday, July 1, 2018

I LOVE THIS NEW AREA!!! This area is great, my companion is awesome, and the members and investigators are the best.


This area is great, my companion is awesome, and the members and investigators are the best.

So my new area is a small area called Comun. Our apartment is in a city called Tabaco, and in order to get to our area in Comun every day, we need to take a 30 minute tricy ride in order to reach our area, so it's pretty expensive for travel here. But this apartment is BY FAR the cleanest, largest, and nicest apartment I've been in my whole mission, and it really helps me to focus on the work more.

My companion, Elder Villegas, is a high quality missionary. He's actually really new on the mission (about four months) so he really wants to learn as much as he can from me in my last month here. He's very humble and is always asking me to teach him how to do certain things better (finding, teaching, planning, etc), and he always applies my advice into his work. We have set goals to find ONE FAMILY every week to baptize. Let me tell you, I have never dedicated myself to the work harder than I have this last week. All of the prayers, the planning, the awkward Gospel conversations with people just to find families is extremely hard work. But this last week we were able to find one absolutely golden family, the Bermundo family. We were only able to teach them once, but the father of the family is very interested in what we are teaching. In our first visit with them, they told us that they are looking for Jesus Christ's true church (I can't make this stuff up) and we just straight up told them, "HEY YOU FOUND IT!!" We also found two other really good families. They aren't as golden, but they have a lot of potential.

Our efforts don't stop there though, we have to find another family this week! So back to planning and goal setting in order to find them.

The members here are also great! I don't know what it is about this area, but as soon as I met all of the members here it felt like I had known them for years. I feel like I'm already best friends with all of them! Our attendance at church yesterday was 52, and I already know almost all of their names and have already visited their homes. There are A TON of part members here, so that is our hunt for this next transfer. The members are VERY excited to refer their family members to us to teach them, so we will be working very smart and quickly in order to befriend and teach all of the part members here. I'm just wondering why the past missionaries haven't been seeing all of these ideas, but I've since learned that there has been a lot of disobedience in this area for the past two years or so. But the trust of the members is practically already solid with us, so we are set!

Elder Villegas and I are so excited for this next transfer in every way. I might not be around to see all of the fruits of our labors, but that doesn't stop us from giving it our all. The church is true and this is the greatest work that we can participate in!!

(Sorry, there are NO pictures for the week... My mom's gonna kill me...)🔫
Me my last new companion, 
Elder Villegas and a stellar member


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